
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

6 Ways To Enjoy Valentine's Day At Home With Little to No Money

With this being the beginning of February, and the day known for lover's is approaching... I thought I'd share a couple ways to enjoy even if you have little to no money to spare!

I can only speak for myself, but the older I get it becomes more about the sentiment itself instead of the actual gift or amount of money spent! With that being said, it takes nothing to show your love for that special someone in your life! 

Take a look below for a few cute ideas....
  1. Have a "home spa night"!! Fun right?? I mean who doesn't love a spa day??!?!! Spa's can be pretty pricey at times depending on the service/treatment you may get so why not bring the ambiance into your home. All you need are a few things: Candles, aromatics, massage oil, fruit, wine or champagne and relaxing music!! The candles and aromatics will surely help set the mood. The massage oil is for you guys to get your masseuse skills up :)! The fruit of course is accompanied by the wine. And the music.... well that's just the cherry on top!!! 
  2. Make a "why I love you list"!! Be creative though!! Not any old pen to paper list... BORIIIING! Instead of writing it on paper, do a cute, sexy voice recording! It's 2016 and I'm sure if it's not 100%, it's definitely 99% of us that have smart phones which are equipped with many apps you can play with or simply use the "voice memos" on your smart phone. By your special someone hearing your voice & your emotion.... makes your expression of love that much more special :)!!! After recording yourself, surprise them by sending it via text randomly without telling him it's coming. Make sure you're next to them when they read it so you can see their raw reaction! If you do it right...the ending will be GREAT! TRUST ME!
  3. Create a special signature drink together!! Depending on your taste of wine, champagne or alcohol will determine the price you spend. But, this can be pretty fun. Simply pick up some of your fav drinks and experiment. Whichever concoction you guys like most, name it and voila....that's your signature drink!
  4. Have a fun, flirty, sexy, photo shoot!! Yessssss ladies!!! This is by far one of my fav things to do! I've mentioned this before and it deserves mentioning again because you just cant go wrong! This is probably thee cheapest of all things on this list because literally all you need is a few perks that you already have on hand. Those things being: a camera, his fav pump/heel he likes to see you in, a fun and open attitude with no ceilings (meaning the word NO does NOT exist during this particular photo shoot), Of course music, drinks and candles can be added for ambiance and last but not least.... you MUST not forget the body oil!!!! Put everything on, and call in him the room so he can flick away!! Trust me, this is soooo much fun. Not sure how long this photo session will last before another "session" begins.... *wink-wink*!!
  5. Dance the night away!! Simple yet soooo much fun! Go to one of those novelty stores like Spencer etc. and buy a disco ball. They have smaller ones that can be placed on your table top/night stand etc. These are so much fun because they not only create an illusion that you're in a club, lounge or party, they also help with the ambiance. If you've read any of my post before then you know I say all the time - ambiance makes EVERYTHING better! The music sounds better and makes dancing much more fun!! So get to it! Pour up your drink, put on some music, turn the lights down, plug it up and dance the night away!
  6. My last fun and flirty idea to enjoying Valentine's Day with little to no money is simple- buy your fav drink (if you drink), turn off the t.v., and just talk to one another. Truly enjoy each other's presence. Talk about how you guys met, your first date, relationship goals, play truth or dare etc. The list is endless!!!! 
SN: Please keep in mind that Valentine's Day doesn't just have to be about lovers!! It's about sharing love PERIOD! So if you know someone whom may be single... share your love with them too. Bringing laughter or a smile to someones day may just be the sunshine on a cloudy day they needed!! You never know how you can brighten one's day simply by being kind!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this small list of ways to enjoy Valentine's Day at home with little to no money. If you still need more ideas on how to spend Valentine's Day at home, click on the "Love-Sex & Everything In Between" tab and see if anything fits your fancy there :)!

As always... Thanks for checking out my blog: TwithTally!

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