
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fried Oreos = Yummyness

If you saw my last post - "Easy Seafood Boil" which is what I cooked for New Year's Eve, I asked that you stay tuned to see what dessert I did annnnd ... **drum roll please**..... Fried Oreos it was!!!! 

I've been wanting to try these out for a while now. They've become quite popular in restaurants and thought it couldn't be but so hard to try myself so I did. These fried oreos came out BOMB!!!!! I intended to only cook about 6-8 but I swear my right hand, hubby and I couldn't stay away from them (ashamed to say) lol!!

If interested in seeing how to make these uber easy and super delicious "Fried Oreos" see below....

Original Oreos (You can use any type of Oreos you like)

Shake 'n Pour complete pancake mix- just add water

Add 1 cup of Pancake mix to a bowl (makes approx. 8 fried oreos)
Slowly add water & mix to a batter as you would making pancakes (not pictured)

Dip your oreos in pancake batter and carefully put in deep fryer or deep bottom pan with hot cooking oil

Cook for approx 2 minutes each side- or just until you start to see the bottom browning

Take them out the oil once browned and let drain about 2 minutes.

Totally optional...but I think the confectioner sugar is a great bonus!!

All done.......YUMMY RIGHT?!?!?!?!?

AGAIN....these fried oreos came out the BOMB.COM!!!! Don't believe me? Try them out for yourself and THEN tell me what you think!!!!

As always... Thanks for checking out my blog: TwithTally!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks hun! It WAS....EVERY bite :)!!
    Nice blog btw....keep up the good work!
