
Monday, June 15, 2015

Celebrating 5 Beautiful Years of Marriage in Punta Cana, DR...

As I said many of times, I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE to travel!!! I mean, who doesn't right? We (my husband and I) try to take a trip every year but if we're lucky, we try for twice a year! 

With all the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it's nothing more rewarding than a VACATION!!! Whether with friends, family, or MUST make time to get away!! 

This time around our vacation was to celebrate 5 AMAZING years of marriage...WOO-HOO (INSERTS MY HAPPY DANCE)!!! We chose to visit Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and it was GORGEOUS!!!! From the beaches to our resort! 

I've added a few pics from our trip ....take a looky below :)!!

Ready to roll!!

Quick view of our room :)
Me n' the Hubby!!

Annnnnd we've arrived!!!! Our view from our balcony!

Another pic of me & my baby-love!

Leaving our footprints in DR!

Housekeeping always left pretty decorations made from the towels.

Tally...cute thick chick taking room flicks :)

Dune Buggy time...funnnnerrrrs!!!

Time to ride, get dirty and dusty!

Walking on the beach, getting photo bombed by a local!

Mr. & Mrs. Robinson!

Just walking, soaking up that beautiful sun!

LOVING the water- wishing I was a mermaid:)

Off to breakfast....

One of those nights where morning comes too fast!

Rock that all white when I'm feeln' godly!

On the party boat in my D.I.Y. cover up! I must say it came out GREAT!

Anniversary gift from the fam. Reads: " 5 yrs and counting! Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Robinson"!!

This trip was EVERYTHING!!!! Their was a total of 9 of us, family and friends and I think I can say we all enjoyed ourselves! Nothing like a celebration but when you're able to celebrate with those you love that love you back.....I couldn't ask for more! I pray for mannnnnyyyyy more years with my husband and I plan to celebrate each and every year we're blessed with!!

I am truly blessed with the life I've been given! I'm not perfect nor do I know perfect people but my GOD shows me everyday how blessed I am and for his many blessing.....I AM OVERLY GRATEFUL!! 

I hope you guys enjoyed these pics! 

As always, Thanks for checking out my blog...TwithTally!!!

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